Haruna Udaka at the time of Tsunami - photo: Micah Gampel

Museo d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea
Casa Cavazzini
Via Cavour 14
dal martedì alla domenica
dalle 15 alle 19

venerdì 3 giugno ore 15.30

Hanna Preuss

Lullabies for the Tsunami Souls
installazione sonora wavefield

il confronto dell’immagine sonora di un mondo catastrofico con la parte più fragile di sé stessi
inerme, impotente ed effimera
resiste e si offre al mondo dell’altro
ma l’ansia verso ciò che è sconosciuto e ignoto
da forma a un’arte che esce da sé
a una personale rappresentazione del mondo e a una nuova realtà.
Nell’esperienza del movimento melodioso della terra del pianeta sonoro
con la veridicità universale del non verbale

Lo spazio è immobile, e così il tempo, e la fluttuazione dello spazio nel tempo.
Non è infinito né vuoto.
C’è qualcuno là: un uomo, l’umanità.

Hanna Preuss, MA

Special thanks to: Haruna Udaka, Tatsushige Udaka, Helena Drnovšek-Zorko, Marko Ipavec, Hanna, Jan, Jeremi Slak, Fusako Takiguchi, Yukiko Oikawa, Sato San, Setsuro Sugawara,
Jaka Šimenc, Rie Kotari.

Nata in Polonia, Hanna Preuss è molte cose.
Laureata Magna cum Laudae e diplomata con un Master’s degree in ingegneria del Suono alla Chopin Music Academy di Varsavia, scrittrice di colonne sonore per cinema, teatro e installazioni multimediali, docente di sound design, ha influenzato e lavorato con più generazioni di registi sloveni nella realizzazione di oltre 120 film, spaziando dall’animazione alle produzioni sperimentali alla cinematografia documentaristica.
Nel febbraio 2006 ha fondato “Hanna’s Atelier for Sonorous Art”, un laboratorio d’arte per la creazione lo sviluppo e la promozione delle arti sonore in Slovenia e all’estero.
Il suo lavoro le è valso molti riconoscimenti internazionali tra cui la medaglia d’oro al Film Festival di Belgrado, la Golden Arena al Pola Film Festival, numerosi Metod Badjura Award tra cui quello alla carriera nel 2014 e il premio “Župančič” per il suo eccezionale contributo alla cultura slovena.
Ha ideato il concetto di Experimental Sonorous Theatre, una forma di teatro multimediale che mescola l’utilizzo di tecnologie del suono all’avanguardia, pratiche musicali e psicoacustica per dare vita ad uno stile di teatro personale ed unico.


Hanna Preuss - photo by Borut Peterlin - Collodion Plate Photo made for the magazine Mladina.si
Hanna Preuss – photo by Borut Peterlin – Collodion Plate Photo made for the magazine Mladina

Hanna Preuss

Lullabies for Tsunami Souls
5.1 sound installation

Casa Cavazzini
Museo d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea
Via Cavour 14
Open from Tuesday to Sunday
from 3 to 7pm

Friday, June 3rd at 3.30pm

A confrontation between the soundscape of a catastrophic world
and the self’s most fragile part
the helpless, powerless and transient I
resists and submits to the Other’s feelings
in spite of the anxieties of the alien and the unknown
a challenge issued by the arts
from one’s deepest hopes for the world and its emerging reality.
The sensation of the singing motion of the Sonorous planet
the universal truthfulness of unspoken sound
here, now.
Space is still, and so is time, still is the fluctuation of time within space.
It is neither infinite nor empty.
There is someone there: a human being in the company of others.
– Hanna Preuss, MA

Special thanks to: Haruna Udaka, Tatsushige Udaka, Helena Drnovšek-Zorko, Marko Ipavec, Hanna, Jan, Jeremi Slak, Fusako Takiguchi, Yukiko Oikawa, Sato San, Setsuro Sugawara,
Jaka Šimenc, Rie Kotari.

Born in Poland, Hanna Preuss is many things. Musician, sound designer and professor of sound design, creates sonorous compositions for various artistic environments ranging from theatre, film and modern dance to visual arts, photography, architecture and design. She finished her five-year studies Magna cum laudae and received a Master’s degree in Sound Engineering from the Chopin Music Academy in Warsaw. In addition to being a freelance artist and a master of sound who has had a huge impact on Slovenian film over the past three decades, she is a brilliant teacher.
Since 1979, she has worked as sound designer and sound engineer on more than 120 short, animated, documentary, experimental, and feature-length Slovene or international films. For her accomplishments, she has gained numerous awards including the Golden Medal at the Belgrade Film festival in Yugoslavia, the Golden Arena at the Pula Film Festival in Croatia, the American Westrex Award in Trieste, Italy, and several Metod Badjura Awards for best sound at the Festival of Slovenian Film. She received the Župančič Award of the City of Ljubljana for her research of the sound based art forms and the Metod Badjura award for life work in cinematography in 2014.
In February 2006 she founded “Hanna’s Atelier for Sonorous Art” through that she explores the power of sonoric matters in film and performance and also puts a spotlight to the importance of sound in every day’s life, sounds of our subconsciousnes.
She is also the founder of the  experimental Sonorous Theatre, an avant-garde theatre form built on the foundations of modern acoustic technology, musical theory and the psychology of human perception. The resulting creation is a multimedia and interdisciplinary work of art, an exceptional and unique theatre experience.
